With pastor appreciation month just behind us and Thanksgiving on the horizon, I’ve given a lot of attention lately to those persons God has used shape my life. Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Yes, the Holy Spirit through scripture shapes us. But the instruments for much of the shaping are the wise, godly persons He brings into our lives.

Some of these come through formal relationships, such as a favorite teacher who was there for you far beyond the expectation of the classroom. If one is blessed to have believing parents, they obviously belong here. High on my list is a man who was my immediate supervisor when I served with the North American Mission Board. Of course pastors, deacons, Sunday School teachers, and professors take up a number of slots on my personal list.

Much of the sharpening comes through informal relationships, godly friends and colleagues. I’ve been blessed by a good number of individuals who fit this category, including many of you.

Often the relationship, at least at it’s closest, is relatively brief. One of the most impactful in my life occupied a mere semester while I was a student, yet the influence continues more than 35 years later. And many have lasted, so deep that even if we had not communicated for years, when we do visit it’s as if we’ve never been apart.

I could share numerous stories of the men and women whose influence God used to shape my character, spiritual development, or ministry, but what I would like to do in this post is call to your remembrance those whom the Lord used to shape your life.

So, here’s an exercise. Make a list of those persons who you believe God used to significantly shape who you are and how you live for Him. Then pause, pray and thank God for them. If they are still living, send them an encouraging word of how they influenced your life (they might not know the significance of their influence). If they are no longer here, send a word of gratitude to their family.

If you like, share some of their stories in the comments below. As you do, consider how you might extend their influence by investing in others around you.


Bro. Jim

P.S. Here’s my top ten, in no particular order.

Ray Batson - My father-in-law, godly example of a father, husband, and minister of the gospel.

Tony Esparza - Step-father who was really my dad, put me in a place to hear the gospel.

Sarge and O’Tulsa Placker - Church youth leaders who invested in an awkward teen and prayed through his “prodigal” stage, believing God would call him to ministry.

Karen Turnbo - Wife and faithful partner for 37+ years.

Donald Potts - Major professor in university, mentor for years after graduation.

Doug Lee - Director of missions and friend who fostered the connections leading to our service with NAMB; model for how I would serve in this role.

Stan Albright - My supervisor while a missionary in New Mexico, modeled for me how to support a team and lift up the people around me.

Byron Banta - Pastor and mentor who modeled how a pastor should love and serve God’s people.

Bill Stroud - Life-long friend since college who faithfully perseveres even when the worst happens.

Mack Chapman - Life-long friend from high school years who has always been a constant encouragement in my life, even if I don’t connect with him as much as I should.

There’s my list. What’s yours?
