With Veterans Day this weekend, I’ve thought often of those persons in my life who served though the military. Among them is a dear friend who is with the Lord now, Richard. I’ve shared with you about Richard before. He was the pastor at Laguna Pueblo in New Mexico. And he was proud of his service with the US Air Force. But even more, he was grateful for a journey that began while he served. It was during his time in the Air Force that Richard first read the Bible.

Richard was raised in the traditional beliefs of his people. He’d often tell me how relatives would show him a Bible and explain, “This is not a book for you. Stay away from it. It’s not our way.” And he complied.

But a fellow airman whom he befriended had a Bible and soon invited Richard to attend his study group. There, as Richard learned what scripture said, he was drawn to its message, particularly how salvation comes through God’s grace as opposed to his effort. The tradition, he explained, was all about one’s work to live in harmony with the spirits, some of whom had conflicting agendas. So the gospel was appealing to him. But, remembering the stern warnings of his family, he resisted scripture’s attraction. “It’s not our way.”

After his discharge, and years later, Richard found himself in deep personal distress. And though he hadn’t given the Lord serious consideration since he left his Air Force friend, this day God intervened. The message of scripture surfaced in his mind and he especially remembered its appeal. So, finding a Bible, he went off into the mountains alone and asked God to show him what was true. And on that mountain, having spent the day in the scriptures and praying, he became convicted of his sin, repented, and placed his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Richard would go on to live with vibrant faith, becoming the first indigenous pastor of the Laguna Acoma Baptist Church until his death in 2011. But whenever he shared his conversion story, he always began by telling us of a Christ-loving fellow airman who offered him the scriptures.

Keep sharing the scriptures. It really is the power of God unto salvation!


