What does it mean when we say that though GTBN we’re “better together”?

It certainly means that we can do more together than any single congregation can do on its own. While a few larger churches have the ability themselves to plant a church or support a missionary serving overseas, most of our congregations cannot. And yet together our 100 churches plant on average one new local congregation every year while partnering with state and national conventions to plant churches across the country and around the world. A single church can send a team into the local jails, but together we can send hundreds of Christians with the gospel. Such collaborative ministry, I believe, blesses our Lord and only enhances the individual ministry of our cooperating churches.

But “better together” also means we’re stronger together. Like any other assembly, at any given time some of us are peaking while others are struggling, with the rest of us at some point in-between. Having lived at all points of this spectrum I can attest how great it was, when my church was down, to have friends help us back to our feet. Even more gratifying were those times the Lord used us to help another congregation back up. We’ve seen that here during our recent disasters, but we’re seeing it even more today as stronger churches help those who struggle find renewed fruitfulness for Christ.

“Better together” also means that we’re smarter together. No one knows everything. And we don’t know what we don’t know. But together, with an increased field of vision, different gifts, equipping and perspective, the pastors and staff of these 100 churches inform one another providing each congregation a greater vantage point for navigating the ministry challenges before them.

Now, this is my heart for GTBN. More to the point, I believe you who engage with us experience it. Can we do better? Of course. But the key for any leader or congregation to experience “better together” is to participate with us. We try with all we are to bless every GTBN church, but without you we will miss something. When you engage with us, sharing your wisdom, energy, giftedness, and even your needs and concerns, you position yourself and your church to best experience the fruit of our partnership.

Think about it! And let’s be better together.

